127 W. 2ND STREET NEW RICHMOND, WI 54017 (715) 246-4242 aschmiege@anneschmiegelaw.com




  1. Communication with our clients is essential to success. We are happy to offer communication options to accommodate the preferences and capabilities of all clients - whether that be by US mail, facsimile, email, phone call, and text messaging.

  2. We know that texting is quick, convenient, and a reliable form of communication, especially when it comes to the asking and answering of simple questions regarding common issues relating to your case. We also use text messaging to remind you of upcoming phone calls or meetings with Anne, upcoming Court activities, or reminders relating to your case.

  3. When you retain Schmiege Law Office, LLC for help with your legal issues - you have the option to sign a SMS disclaimer to opt-in to receive text messages from our office. This disclaimer will allow our office to send you text messages. There will be clear instructions as to how to opt-out at any time you wish to stop receiving text messages relating to your case or client file with our office.

  4. Call us at (715)246-4242 to opt-in if you are an existing client or are interested in scheduling an appointment.