127 W. 2ND STREET NEW RICHMOND, WI 54017 (715) 246-4242 aschmiege@anneschmiegelaw.com

Family Law Attorney in River Falls, Wisconsin

Family Law Attorney in New Richmond, Wisconsin

Divorce Lawyer serving Western Wisconsin

Family Law

Divorce, child placement disputes and other family law matters can be confusing and stressful and are often one of the most difficult periods of a person’s life.  If you are going through a contested divorce or other family law matter, it is critical that you have empathetic and effective legal representation.  Anne Schmiege has been zealously representing men and women in all varieties of family law matters for fourteen years, including divorce, child placement and custody, grandparents’ rights, child protection matters, maintenance and child support matters and more.  She will listen carefully to your concerns, answer your questions and work with the other side to try to reach a fair resolution and avoid the expense of trial.  If trial becomes necessary, Anne has the experience and expertise to aggressively represent you in court.  If you need good representation to assist you with a family law matter, Anne and her team will stand by your side and help you find your way through whatever challenges you are facing.