127 W. 2ND STREET NEW RICHMOND, WI 54017 (715) 246-4242 aschmiege@anneschmiegelaw.com

Third Party Visitation

Third Party Visitation Information from Anne Schmiege

Third Party Visitation

In certain circumstances, a person other than one of the biological or adoptive parents of a child may have a right to visitation. Most often these cases involve a grandparent, but they can also involve a stepparent, a same sex or opposite sex partner, an adult sibling, or other person who maintained a relationship with the child that is similar to a parent-child relationship. If you are a grandparent or someone else with a close, parent-like relationship to a child and have been denied access to the child, you should consult with an attorney to learn your rights.  Whether you are seeking visitation of a child or are a parent contesting a petition for visitation by a third party, you need an attorney with the expertise and sensitivity that these cases require. Anne Schmiege has handled several of these cases, in both Wisconsin and Minnesota, and has the experience and knowledge necessary to be a successful advocate in third party visitation matters.